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Load image into Gallery viewer, Ribollita


Regular price $26.00

Ribollita is a traditional, centuries-old Tuscan soup that is always made with vegetables, including Cavelo Nero (Lacinato Kale) and cannelloni beans, and it's thickened with bread. It is said that the dish originated in the Middle Ages when servants were given leftover scraps of bread from the nobility. Every trattoria in Florence had its own version, and Wednesday Supper’s is closest to my favorite,  which also features pancetta and vegetables such as carrots, celery, onion, and tomato.

This quart of soup generally provides two main course servings for adults with healthy appetites.

Black Pepper, Cannelli Beans, Carrots, Cavelo Nero (Lacinato Kale), Celery, Chicken Stock (Bay Leaves, Carrots, Celery, Onions, Chicken Bones, Parsley, Thyme, Tomato Paste ), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Onion, Pancetta, Parmigiano Reggiano, Red Pepper Flakes, Sourdough Bread, Tomatoes

Serving Instructions:
Gently simmer, stirring occasionally, until hot and the kale is slightly wilted.

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